5 » EDITORIAL AutoData | September 2018 Marcos Rozen, editor About Uber, Avaré and the elections O ne day like this, an advertisement was transmitted by several radio stations in São Paulo: father andmother told to their son that theywould give him a car as a gift, and the boy got des- perate. “But what did I do? There’s gas, insurance, parking, taxes... I do not deserve this”. Then, another voice announced: “Having a car is a thing of the past”. The commercial was from Uber and, of course, the company was trying to sell the facilities of its service. It was a Friday and in the late afternoon a colleague asked precisely an Uber driver to take him from Brigadeiro Faria Lima Av: the app changed the one who should have been his driver three times, the wait was of 25 minutes and the cost of the trip was the double of a regular one. The bottom line: Uber, when advertised itself, forgot that its service is not so perfect so people can completely change their cars for the app. At the same time, another colleague from AutoData closed the crowded trunk of his car and left with his nine-month-old dau- ghter and wife from São Paulo to Avaré, 270 km away, to attend a weekend wedding. I wondered what he would have done, facing this need, if he fully believed inwhat Uber’s commercial preaches. It is more than obvious that the solution to mobility is far from being only one - not just Uber, not just a car of its own, nor just proper collective transportation, nor just sharing electric scooters. It is indeed through a combination of many things and actions, and it seems tome in this case that Ubermade amistake by classifying itself as the definitive solution, giving to the possession of a vehicle an outdated connotation. This, at least today, certainly does not match our reality. This reality can change, at least a little bit, from January: it depends on who will be elected for Presidency of the Republic’s chair and the others competing in that election. Does your preferred candidate have awell-defined urbanmobility policy?What has he already done or refrained from doing about this sense? A further research may reveal surprises. We recommend. Speaking of elections, this edition brings the complete list of the cases that compete for the 2018 AutoData Award precisely to define your vote for this award, which is the Oscar of the Brazilian automotive sector. Check out and analyze the candidates: the recognition will be yours, above all else. Director Márcio Stéfani, publisher Editorial Board Márcio Stéfani, S Stéfani and Vicente Alessi, filho Newsroom Leandro Alves, deputy director of writing and new business, Marcos Rozen, editor Collaborated in this edition André Barros, Bruno de Olivei- ra, Lucia Camargo Nunes Graphic Design/Art Romeu Bassi Neto Photos DR and disclosure Photo Cover Romeu Bassi Neto/ ArteAD Social Midia Allex Chies Commercial and advertising tel. PABX 11 5189 8900: André Martins, Érika Coleta, Luiz Giadas Subscriptions/customer service tel. PABX 11 5189 8900 Administrative and financial department Isidore Nahoum, counselor, Thelma Melkunas and Hidelbrando C de Oliveira Distribution Correios Prepress and print Eskenazi Indústria Gráfica Ltda., tel. 11 3531-7900 ISN 1415-7756 AutoData is a publication from AutoData Editora Ltda., Pascal st, 1 693, 04616-005, Campo Belo, São Paulo, SP, Brasil. Reproduction without prior authorization is prohibited, but citation is permitted pro- vided that the source is identified. Responsible Journalist Márcio Stéfani, MTB 16 644 AutoDataEditora autodata-editora @autodataeditora