
32 Janeiro/January 2022 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide MONTADORAS DE VEÍCULOS COMERCIAIS » COMMERCIAL VEHICLES MANUFACTURERS ral e os juros estão em trajetória ascendente, assim como o diesel e a energia elétrica. Além disso a crise dos semicondutores, que afeta os pesados em me - nor escala do que os leves, mas não os isenta, a falta de componentes como pneus, devido a problemas com fornecimento de borracha, e o preço do aço, que dobrou ao longo do ano passado, são percalços que persistem em 2022. Para Gustavo Bonini, vice-presidente da Anfavea, serão necessárias políticas públicas dedicadas à inova - ção e tecnologia para orientar investimentos em novas tecnologias neste ano. Com fábricas 4.0, resultado de aportes robustos realizados nos últimos anos e que continuam pelos próximos, o setor tem se destacado empesquisa e tecnologia, principalmente aquelas liga - das a combustíveis alternativos. “O País tem a chance de se tornar protagonista.” Fabricantes pedemque o governo sinalize de forma concreta, no entanto, que essas alternativas são a dire - ção a ser seguida. Afinal, em um País com dimensões continentais como o Brasil, é preciso haver infraestru - tura para se apostar de vez em novos caminhos, como gás natural, biometano, HVO e eletricidade. O segmento também pleiteia que a União estabe - leça programa de renovação de frota a fim de baixar a idade média dos pesados, ainda que de forma gradati - va. “Os custos anuais do governo comdesdobramentos da frota envelhecida chegam a R$ 62 bilhões. É urgente a necessidade de tornar viável a aquisição de modelos com mais segurança, eficiência e tecnologia.”  should spark a movement of forward buying in the last months of this year. Bus manufacturers as well, as life seems to be going back to normal, despite the new Omicron threat, and plans for travel are expected to pick up; therefore, demand for public travel is expected to pick up again. In addition, the bus companies trying to further business are lobbying Congress to change the framework regulating how transport companies are remunerated, which would go a long way towards fleet renewal. It should be borne in mind, though, that the GDP may go for zero growth, the US Dollar may remain at a high level of R$ 5.50, plus the uncertainties brought about by the elections, rising interest rates as is the case also with diesel and energy prices. We have also the crisis in semiconductors, which even though should not hit as hard the light vehicles, it harms them nonetheless. Moreover, the lack of components such as tires, given the insufficient supply of rubber, and the price of steel doubled in 2021. All of these will be problems still in 2022. According to Gustavo Bonini, vice-president of Anfavea, it will take incentives from the federal administration focusing on innovation and technology with the objective of directing investments towards new technologies this year. With 4.0 plants, the result of hefty investments that took place in the last couple of years and that will continue for the next ones, the sector has emerged as an important one in research and development, mainly in these areas linked to alternative fuels. ”The country has a chance of becoming a key player in the development of new technologies”. Manufacturers are asking the government to clearly indicate that these alternatives are indeed the direction to follow. After all, in a country with the dimensions that Brazil has, it is necessary to have the infrastructure to invest in new paths, such as natural gas, biomethane, HVO and electric. As homework for this year, the segment also asks that the Union establishes a fleet renewal program, so as to lower the age of the heavy trucks, even though in a cautious pace. “Yearly costs related to the ageing fleet are as much as R$ 62 billion. It is imperative to facilitate the acquisition of models that offer more safety, efficiency and technology.” 