Janeiro/January 2022 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide 10 significativamente para a geração de impostos como IPI, PIS, Cofins, ICMS e Ipva, algo em torno de R$ 79,1 bilhões/ano. A participação no PIB nacional é de 3%. O Brasil é o oitavo maior fabricante de veículos no mundo, de acordo com o ranking de 2019, e o sexto maior mercado. De 1957 a 2020 o País produziu 86,4 mi - lhões de autoveículos e 2,8milhões máquinas agrícolas. AAbeifa, representante dos revendedores de veícu- los importados, teve seu quadro de associadas reduzido de 13 para 11 empresas, com a saída da BMWe da Mini em 2021. Um dos principais entraves desse setor, mais uma vez, foi o dólar, que começou a subir em 2020 e seguiu em alta ao longo de 2021, dificultando os ne - gócios, assim como a falta de produtos nas revendas, reflexo da crise global dos semicondutores. Para 2021 esse segmento encerrará o ano com cerca de 25 mil vendas, volume menor do que o de 2020. AAbraciclo, que representa o setor de duas rodas, possui 14 associadas que produziram 962 mil unida- des em 2020. Para 2021 a expectativa é de encerrar o ano com 1 milhão 223 mil motocicletas produzidas, expansão de 27% na comparação com o ano anterior. Já o setor de autopeças possui 484 empresas as- sociadas ao Sindipeças, entidade que representa o setor, com seiscentas fábricas e escritórios no País. this was not achievable for some manufacturers, hence lay-offs and mandated vacations. Despite all the troubles, including the shutting down of some plants such as Ford, Mercedes- Benz and Troller, the car industry still is one of the more relevant within the industrial panorama in Brazil. According to Anfavea data, there are 26 manufacturers of cars, road equipment and agriculture machinery, totaling 58 plants operating throughout 9 states and 40 cities. According to the Anfavea Yearbook for 2020, the industry accounts for about 1.3 million jobs, with 500 thousand of them being direct ones. The latest numbers indicate billings of R$ 59.2 billion, which generate a significant contribution to tax revenues such as IPI, PIS, Cofins, ICMS and IPVA, to the tune of R$ 79.1 billion per year. The car industry’s share in the GDP is 3%. Brazil is the eighth-largest car manufacturer in the world as of 2019, and the sixth-largest market. From 1957 through 2020 the country has produced 86.4 million vehicles and 2.8 million agricultural machines. Abeifa, which represents the retail operators of imported vehicles, saw its associate members go down from 13 to 11, with BMW and Mini leaving the country in 2021. One of the major problems of this segment, once again, was the US dollar rate, which started going up in 2020 and so continued throughout 2021, making business increasingly difficult, as well as the lack of finished products in the retail network, a reflection of the worldwide semiconductor crisis. For 2021 this segment will close the books at 25 thousand units sold, a lower volume than in 2020. Abraciclo, which represents the 2-wheel segment, aggregates 14 associates that produced 962 thousand units in 2020. For 2021 expectations are to close the year with 1 million 223 thousand motorcycles produced, or an increase of 27.1% over last year. The auto parts segment is represented by 484 companies associated with Sindipeças, the entity that represents the segment, which includes 600 plants and offices throughout the country. 58 9 40 27 78 % Fábricas/Factories Estados/States Cidades/Cities Associadas/Associates Produção global marcas da ANFAVEA Global Production ANFAVEA Brands Mapa das fábricas no Brasil Map of the plants in Brazil PERFIL » PROFILE
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