
75 Janeiro 2021 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide G U I A A U T OMO T I V O B R A S I L E I R O P E R F I L 7 4 M arcopolo is one of the largest manufac­ turers of buses and mobility solutions in the world. The company, founded on August 6, 1949, continuously invests in improvement, technology, design and expansion, contributing to the development of mobility solu­ tions. With factories on five continents, the vehicles produced by the company travel the roads and high­ ways of over 120 countries, and collaborate to im­ prove the fluidity of traffic, mobility and the quality of life in society. With innovation and cuttingedge technology as drivers, over the years, Marcopolo has participated in the most important projects for the sustainable evolution of public transport and reducing pollutant emissions. In 2020, facing the challenges imposed by the Novel Coronavirus pandemic, the company invested heavily to develop biosafety solutions to ensure that mobility, public transport and tourism could resume. This performance is the result of a consistent strategy and presence in international markets, with a focus on diversifying the areas in which it operates. Through its Marcopolo Next division, aimed at creating new business opportunities, and the Mar­ copolo BioSafe platform, it launched over a dozen innovations focused on biosafety to transform Bra­ zilian mobility and boost business in public transport and tourism. These launches were widely successful and ac­ cepted among Brazilians and international road and urban public transport operators. The technologies can be installed separately on new models and also on buses that are already in circulation. All solutions were tested and approved by the Microbiology Lab­ oratory at Universidade de Caxias do Sul. ENGLISH VERSION INSTITUTIONAL MARCOPOLO s. a . Idade: 71 anos Tempo no Brasil: 71 anos País sede: Brasil Sede no Brasil: Caxias do Sul/RS Filiais no Brasil: Operações nos cinco continentes CEO: James Bellini Diretor de Operações Comerciais MI & Marketing: Ricardo Portolan Diretor de suprimentos: Email comercial: PABX: 0800 707 00 78 Site: Redes sociais: @onibusmarcopolo (Instagram); @OnibusMarcopolo (Facebook) @Marcopolo S. A. (Linke- din); @Marcopolo S.A. (YouTube)