
71 Janeiro 2021 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide not take up operations again until September. This had a major impact on production”. Amid this very troubled business environment, the high note was the federal program Caminho da Escola (Way to School), which could have been terminated at the end of 2019 -- which did not happen: “Results could have been worst had it not been for the demand generated by Caminho da Escola. It did uphold production levels through this very trying period”, in the evaluation of Gustavo Bonini, vice president of Anfavea in charge of this unit. Brazil is the production hub of buses for Latin America, which accounts for 85% of exports. The pandemic caused the business to recede: for the whole year, total shipments are estimated at 2 thousand 850 units, for a loss of 33.6% as compared to last year. The president of Fabus summarizes: “Every country we serve is, of course, suffering through the pandemic, and demand is slower as a result”. He highlights the very strong reduction in business with Peru, which cut orders down by a full 80% during the crisis. In addition, Argentina, which was already limping through in 2019, saw its economic and social situation get worse in the 2020 pandemic. With a still tentative recovery in the last months of 2020, the business segment should close up the year with about 14 thousand units sold, for a reduction of 33.1% as compared to 2019. poderia ter sido pior não fossem as demandas do Caminho da Escola, que têm sustentado a produ- ção nacional nesse período difícil”, avaliou Gustavo Bonini, vice-presidente da Anfavea que responde por esse setor. OBrasil é o polo produtivo de ônibus para aAmé- rica Latina, que representa 85%das exportações. Com a pandemia os negócios recuaram: até dezembro o volume de embarques projetado é de 2 mil 850 unidades, retração de 33,6% na comparação com o ano passado. A análise do presidente da Fabus: “Todos os países que atendemos estão sofrendo com a pandemia e, naturalmente, as demandas são menores”. Ele destaca a forte retração dos negócios com o Peru, que reduziu em cerca de 80% os seus pedi- dos durante a crise. E a situação da Argentina, que já vinha mal em 2019 e cuja situação econômica e social agravou-se no 2020 pandêmico. Com retomada ainda tímida nos últimosmeses de 2020 o setor deverá encerrar o ano com cerca de 14 mil unidades vendidas, retração de 33,1% ante 2019.