
49 Janeiro 2021 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide The agribusiness and the road equipment business were among those to go through the crisis brought about by the pandemic in 2020 with less hardship. Even with the plants and dealerships shutdowns for the best part of the first half of the year, these companies were able to take back their sales volumes and should close the year with growth when compared to last year. Anfavea, which revised its forecasts in October, is the most optimistic, projecting growth of up to 5% in sales as compared to 2019. Alfredo Jobke, marketing director of Group AGCO, foresees an increase of 3% in the market. Thiago Wrubleski, planning and commercial services director with CNH Industrial for South America, is a bit more cautious and believes the year 2020 will feature the same level as 2019 or even a small reduction of up to 5%. Sales of agricultural machines were boosted by yet another record grain crop and by the significant volume of exports for clients paying what are considered by the market to be premium prices, such as China. The US Dollar was instrumental in leveraging agribusiness with export markets, as a higher Dollar is positive for it increases producers’ billings, strengthening their ability to further invest in their own business. Since a new record for crop yield is expected in 2021 manufacturers are bullish, even in the absence of a way out of the pandemic. The CNH industrial director believes in a market growth of up to 10%, whereas the AGCO Group director foresees an expansion of about 5%. Both are considering the effects of the pandemic, and expect the virus to be around during next year. Sales of construction machines grew by as much as 35% up to September of 2020, and the projections are for this growth rhythm to be maintained throughout 2020. Growth is led by the agro and metallic commodities segments, which are experiencing growth in demand, according to Luiz Marcelo Daniel, president da Volvo CE, who foresees in 2021 a renewed 2-digit increase, as infrastructure works increase their purchase volumes, such as the construction business, which will be buoyant. negócios externos do agro, pois a valorização dessa moeda é positiva porque aumenta o faturamento dos produtores e os deixa ainda mais capitalizados para investir. Com expectativa de novo recorde da safra em 2021 a projeção das fabricantes aponta para um re- sultado positivo, mesmo como cenário da pandemia ainda indefinido. O diretor da CNH Industrial acredita que o mercado poderá crescer até 10%, enquanto o diretor doGrupoAGCOprojeta expansão em torno de 5%. Ambos usaram como referência o desempenho no pandêmico 2020, que deverá ter continuidade no ano que vem. As vendas demáquinas de construção cresceram 35% até setembro de 2020, com expectativa de fe- char o ano nesse ritmo, e quempuxou o aumento da demanda foi o segmento de commodities agrícolas emetálicas, segundo LuizMarcelo Daniel, presidente da Volvo CE, que projetou para 2021 um novo incre- mento de dois dígitos, com obras de infraestrutura aumentando seus volumes de compras, como o setor de contrução civil, que continuará aquecido. The equipment sector brings positive surprises during the pandemic and should grow in 2021