
13 Janeiro 2021 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide If bets for 2020 indicated a degree of instability over the horizon for the automobile industry, what we have now is a confirmed scenario, with the pandemic and the economic downturn, which point to a vision of dark skies for 2021. This means, in other words, that we will have to proceed carefully as we go, to ascertain what the market will be like in 2021. Car manufacturers project two possible scenarios, one more optimistic which entails the mass vaccination of the population, consequently economic stability with the US Dollar retreating to an exchange level of R$ 5.00 and disposable income increasing. The other one, more pragmatic -- one might say pessimistic -- calls for the opposite: the virus rages on, the exchange rate spirals out of control, and we have a severe cooling down in the sales of durable goods, such as cars. So as to size up the prevailing very cautious mood, not even the positive results achieved by the industry in November motivated the car manufacturers association, Anfavea, to revise its projections for 2020. Production picked up in November, when 238.2 thousand vehicles rolled off the assembly lines, for a 4.7% increase as compared to the same period of last year. Compared to October there was also progress of 0.7%, making November the month with the highest production volume of 2020. The volume in licensing was 4.6% higher than the one registered in October, totaling 225 thousand vehicles. Year to date, 1 million 814 thousand units were sold, some 85 The pandemic has raised the stakes in the automobile business, as the forecasts are dire and the industry braces for whatever comes its way. Artens/shutterstock