
117 Janeiro 2021 | AutoData | Brazil Automtive Guide G U I A A U T OMO T I V O B R A S I L E I R O P E R F I L 1 0 8 N eo Rodas, a Brazilian company with op­ erations since 2016, specializes in the development and manufacture of auto­ motive aluminum wheels, serving exclu­ sively the original market (OEM / OES). It has in its customer portfolio the main automakers installed in Brazil and Mercosul. The company has been showing sales growth above the average of the automotive industry every year since its foundation, with a closer relationship with customers and the market, as a result of good commercial, financial and industrial management. It has a team with long experience in the sector, with professionals from large global companies in the segment, with a modern industrial park, the result of an investment of more than 60 million reais since 2016, in the processes of casting, machining, qual­ ity controls, automation production processes, in addition to laboratories and equipment for product validation. This year the company received several quality awards offered by the major automakers installed in Brazil, with emphasis on the General Motors Award for quality in delivery products, Autodata 2020 Award in the Management / Suppliers Category and CAOA Best Suppliers of the Year Award. The company also gained an important share in the market with recently launched models such as Nova Strada, from FCA, and TCross, from Volkswa­ gen. In addition to new customers, Neo Rodas worked on the nationalization of several products and pro­ moted a new cycle of investments to improve the in­ dustrial park, acquisition of newmachines and tools, as well as training and improvement of its employ­ ees. ENGLISH VERSION INSTITUTIONAL neo rodas s.a. Idade: 4 anos Tempo no Brasil: 4 anos País sede: Brasil Sede no Brasil: Vinhedo / SP Filiais no Brasil: Presidente/ CEO/ Brasil: Alexandre Rauen Abage Diretor comercial: Tiago Miranda Diretor de compras: Email comercial: PABX: +55-19-3846-7735 Site: Redes sociais: @Neo Rodas SA (Linkedin)