
a slower pace than originally projected. Sales for automobiles and light commercial vehicles went up by 8.3% in comparing the january through november periods of 2018 and 2019, with a total of 2.53 million. The production index reaches 2.77 million units in the same period, a 2,7% increase vis-à-vis the previous year. This growth is credited by Anfavea to a favorable economic scenario, with the market expecting a reduction of risks in general and a more friendly scenario for business. “In ation and interest rates are going down and banks are more interested in the segment, thus putting forward more attractive credit conditions. We notice a strong increase in direct sales to rent- a-car, corporate eets, police forces, taxis. The PcD segment, for people with disabilities, is also growing”, states Luiz Carlos Moraes, president. There was a reduction in exports, caused mainly by the turmoil in Argentina. “Exports to Chile and Colombia went up, but these additional volumes did not make up the substantial reduction in exports to Argentina”, says Mr. Moraes. In 2019, january through november, exports of car and light commercial vehicles accounted for 399.2 thousand units, as compared to 575.5 thousand for the previous period. Some research data evaluated by Anfavea says that a signi cant number of people intend to buy or replace their current car in 2020 – it all depends, of course, on a number of factors, such as their individual nancial status. “All indicators are very positive, suggesting that many people who postponed the purchase on account of the crisis intend to act upon their wish in 2020.” By manufacturer General Motors continued in the leadership in car sales with 389.9 units licensed from january to november, followed by Volkswagen, 314 thousand and Fiat Chrysler, 301.3 thousand of a totaling market of 2.04 million. In the light commercial vehicles segment Fiat Chrysler registrations was 149.3 thousand units, followed by Volkswagen, 56.1 thousand, and General Motors, 40.4 thousand out of a total of 366.6 thousand units. diminuição dos riscos e em um ambiente mais propício para fechar negócios. “A in ação e a taxa de juros estão em queda e os bancos estão interessados no segmento, passando a oferecer condições de crédito mais atraentes. Notamos um forte aumento de vendas diretas para locadoras, empresas, governos, polícia, táxis. O segmento PcD, de Pessoas com De ciência, também vem crescendo”, atesta Luiz Carlos Moraes, presidente. Houve queda nas exportações, causada principalmente pelas turbulências vividas na Argentina. “Aumentaram as exportações para países como Chile e Colômbia, mas esse aumento não compensou a grande diminuição de exportações para a Argentina”, a rma Moraes. Em 2019 de janeiro a novembro foram exportados 399,2 mil automóveis e comerciais leves ante 597,5 mil no mesmo período anterior. Pesquisas avaliadas pela Anfavea indicam que um número signi cativo de pessoas pretende adquirir um automóvel ou trocar o que possui em 2020 – tudo depende, evidentemente, de fatores como a situação nanceira de cada potencial comprador. “Todos os indicadores são muito positivos, revelando que muita gente que adiou a compra por conta da crise vai realizar essa intenção em 2020.” Por fabricante a General Motors permanecia na liderança das vendas de automóveis com 389,9 mil unidades licenciadas de janeiro e novembro, seguida pela Volkswagen, com 314,0 mil, e Fiat Chrysler, 301,3 mil – somadas todas as marcas o total aponta 2,04 milhões. No segmento de comerciais leves a Fiat Chrysler emplacou 149,3 mil unidades, seguida de Volkswagen, 56,1 mil, e General Motors, 40,4 mil de um total de 366,6 mil veículos. Divulgação/FCA 19 2020 | Brazil Automotive Guide