92 ASSOCIAÇÕES DE CONCESSIONÁRIAS » DEALER ASSOCIATIONS Brazil Automotive Guide | 2019 O caminho é digital nem que seja a fórceps Fenabrave vê, de camarote, consumidor chegar muito mais bem informado à loja The path is digital even if it is forceps Fenabrave sees, from the stateroom, the consumer to arrive much more informed to the shop There is no denying the importance of Fenabrave, the National Federation of Motor Vehicle Distribution, which brings together 51 associations of brands of cars, light and heavy commercial vehicles, buses, road implements, tractors, agricultural machinery and motorcycles. In total, there are approximately 7,400 domestic and imported vehicle distributors, with 305,000 direct employees, who generated in 2016 - the most recent figure, according to the federation website - annual revenue corresponding to 3.5% of GDP, Gross Domestic Product, the wealth produced in the country. Born as an embryo in 1961 under the name of the São N ão se há de negar a importância da Fenabra- ve, Federação Nacional da Distribuição de Veículos Automotores, entidade que reúne 51 associações de marcas de automóveis, veículos comerciais leves e pesados, ônibus, im- plementos rodoviários, tratores, máquinas agríco- las e motocicletas. No total são cerca de 7,4 mil distribuidores de veículos nacionais e importados,
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