85 2019 | Brazil Automotive Guide Divulgação/FPT We will expand our portfolio in strategic countries through partnerships and seek new businesses that are sustainable”. This year the company reaches 4.3 million engines in 65 years of history. Cummins Brazil has the most concentrated bet in the auto market, which registered a 60% increase in the production of engines – there were 22 thousand units in the first half of 2018 -, with the automotive segment representing a 59% increase in the same period and positive growth in the bus segment, 75%, construction, 58%, generators, 39%. With significant participation in the national automotive market, Cummins Brazil currently manages 57% of Light Duty trucks, 67% of the mid-range segment, Mid Range, and 11% Heavy Duty. The idea is to close 2018 in this pace and enter 2019 taking advantage of the good moment, says Luís Pasquotto, vice president of Cummins Inc., president of Cummins Brazil and responsible for Cummins Engines Business Unit in Latin America: “Cummins Brazil strengthened. We made responsible restructuring and were able to meet the demand by incorporating more manpower, as the volumes grew, fully aware that we have already overcome the worst moment. “ Deciding on trucks and agribusiness is also the dilemma faced by FPT, a company of CNH Industrial, which has bet more on this second option. The business model also includes the energy segment, which is summarized in “energy efficiency, high efficiency and low emissions of polluting gases,” according to CNH Industrial’s director of engine and energy engineering, Alexandre Xavier. In this segment, CNH Industrial is represented by FPT Industrial, with motors, axles and transmissions for vehicles and machines and generators. 59% no mesmo período e o crescimento positivo também no segmento de ônibus, 75%, construção, 58%, geradores, 39%. Com participação significativa no mercado automotivo nacional a Cummins Brasil equipa atualmente 57% dos caminhões Light Duty, 67% do segmento de médio porte, Mid Range, e 11% dos pesados, Heavy Duty. A ideia é fechar 2018 nessa tocada e entrar em 2019 aproveitando o bommomento, conta Luís Pas- quotto, vice-presidente da Cummins Inc., presidente da Cummins Brasil e responsável pela Unidade de Negócios de Motores da Cummins na América Latina: “A Cummins Brasil segue fortalecida. Fize- mos reestruturações responsáveis e conseguimos atender à demanda incorporando mão de obra na medida em que os volumes cresceram, com plena consciência de que já superamos o pior momento”. Decidir por caminhões e agronegócio também é o dilema enfrentado pela FPT, empresa da CNH Industrial, que tem apostado mais nesta segunda opção. Omodelo de negócio passa ainda pelo seg- mento de energia, que se resume em “eficiência energética, com alto rendimento e baixas emissões de gases poluentes”, segundo o diretor de enge- nharia de motores e energia da CNH Industrial, Alexandre Xavier. Nesse segmento a CNH Industrial é representada pela FPT Industrial, com motores, eixos e transmissões para veículos e máquinas e também geradores.
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