
10 1.7 to 1.12.2019 Anfavea figures Sales of machinery overcome expectations André Barros | andrebarros@autodata.com.br AutoData News Agency Weekly Edition is produced by AutoData Editora Ltda . Rua Pascal, 1693 Campo Belo - São Paulo SP Brazil CEP 04719-001 Phone +55 11 5189 8900 . Translation: Allex Chies. Graphic Project/Art: Romeu Bassi Neto. Associated Team: André Barros, Bruno de Oliveira, Caio Bednarski, Leandro Alves, Márcio Stéfani. Responsible Journalist: Vicente Alessi, filho MS SJPESP 4 874. Editorial agreements: Tiempo Motor (Argentina) and Flash de Motor (Venezuela). The copying and/or distribution without previous permission are strictly forbidden. S ão Paulo - The 47 thousand 800 agricultural and highway machinery sold in the Brazilian market last year, a 12.7% increase over the volume of 2017, stayed above Anfavea’s expectations - which believed in a 10.9% increase, with 47 thousand units sold. More: they reversed a negative result in 30% registered in the first months of 2018, as the president of the association, Antonio Megale, recalled: “The performance was getting better over the year until we reach this expressive growth”. This growth is justified by the moment of the agribusiness, according to Alfredo Miguel Neto, vice president of the association. “I hope that this optimism that has been transmitted to the agricultural sector in 2018 be multiplied in 2019 and help not only the machinery sales, but the economy as a whole”. Production increased 23,8%, well above the 15% that Anfavea had projected. 65,7 thousand agricultural and highway machines left the assembly lines. Negative performance regarding exports: decrease of 9.1%, with 12.7 thousand machines sent abroad. According to Miguel Neto, the performance of the Argentine economy ended up disrupting the foreign sales of the Brazilian products. Anfavea had projected stability in exports. Disclosure.