
11 2.6.2018 AutoData News Agency Weekly Edition is produced by AutoData Editora Ltda . Rua Pascal, 1693 Campo Belo - São Paulo SP Brazil CEP 04719-001 Phone +55 11 5189 8900 . Translations: Allex Chies. Graphic Project/Art: Romeu Bassi Neto. Associated Team: Bruno de Oliveira, Leandro Alves, Márcio Stéfani. Responsible Journalist: Vicente Alessi, filho MS SJPESP 4 874. Editorial agreements: Tiempo Motor (Argentina) and Flash de Motor (Venezuela). The copying and/or distribution without previous permission are strictly forbidden. Another factor with a negative impact on sales was the change in the grace period from fourteen to twelve months, said Alfredo Miguel Neto, vice president of Anfavea: “This was a big problem because the government decided to change without warning the industry and the producer needs to schedule to buy the machines and start paying after harvest and not before. With that, these months less create difficulties in planning and make all the difference. Shortly afterwards the government decided to return for the fourteen months of grace, but the industry had already had an impact. “ Even with low sales volume in the beginning of the year, Anfavea believes that the 3.7% growth forecast will be exceeded - and the entity even intends to review this number in the coming months, said Miguel Neto: “Greater profitability of producers, being made with a high level of productivity and a very positive index of confidence, with a high of 6.7%, are indications that we will close the year very well. We are very optimistic “ Exports were a positive segment in January, with 816 units shipped against 424 in the same month last year, up 92.5%: “This result is due to the greater stability of the Argentine market and the greater interest of other countries of South America, with Colombia, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay, by more technological machines that Brazil produces. “ Production also had a good start this year, with 2 thousand 623 units in January, compared to 2 thousand 199 units in the same month last year, up 19.3%. In comparison with December, 2 thousand 603 machines, a growth of 0.8%. Safra Plan - This year’s Safra Plan should come out in June and the sector expects everyone to be considered, frommicro to macro: “The program is expected to have a budget that supports all producers throughout the year.” There are also expectations regarding interest rates, “which need to be rethought so that everyone has affordable credit lines to encourage investment.”